Greetings and Hello!
Thanks for stopping by! Fun and informative? YOU BETCHA!
After having been on the internet for about 4 years, I decided it was about time to try my hand at creating a page. I don't have the HTML skills and things like that to do it myself so my thanks to the folks at Fortune City for giving me a hand with all of this. I'm going to do my best not to make this a self-indulgent bit of cyber-grafitti; but on the other hand, I guess it's hard to make a webpage about yourself that doesn't seem self-indulgent to some degree.So get a cup of your favorite beverage (I recommend Pepsi), put your feet up and get ready to scroll down....
My interests & work:
Well, let's get down to the nitty-gritty, brass-tacks, and a number of other cliches:For some reason, Fortune City says that I'm 29 -- while that would be nice, I can confirm that - as of this writing - I'm a few hours from turning 37. (Happy Birthday to me.)I was born and grew up here in the Pittsburgh area. Like most people who were me, I had 3 sisters (one younger and 2 older). This helped me in a lot of ways: I lost any misconceptions about women not being equal to men very early in life -- after all, one of my sisters used to get thrown out of high school varsity basketball games for being too rough! I also have much respect for the strength and dignity of women. They so often seem more composed than my gender. (I don't want to make it sound like I'm so in awe of women that I don't just like to look at them, smell their perfume and all that good stuff. After all, I've got a healthy amount of testosterone flowing through my veins!)I fell in love with playing in rock bands when I was in high school and for a few years afterwards, I tried to get a band off the ground. It's hard and I didn't have much luck. (By the way, I play bass guitar.) I worked full-time after I got out of high school and ended up going to college, first part and later full-time.I cranked out enough good work that the folks at the University of Pittsburgh gave me a BA in English Writing in 1990 (magna cum laude, no less!) and a master's in social work a couple of years later.I worked in psychiatric social work for a few years, doing inpatient and outpatient in a number of different settings. I finally got tired of the clinical world and transitioned in to the managed care end of things.Try not to boo too loudly about that managed care thing.That's what I'm currently doing: I work for a managed care organization that manages benefits in a bunch of counties in western-PA.When I'm not doing that, I'm doing things like listening to music (I spend a lot of money on CDs -- I like a bunch of stuff but it all falls under the "rock" heading), watching TV (Friends, Dharma and Greg, Frasier, Homocide (RIP), Newsradio (RIP), Simpsons, and others), going to movies (I don't go as much as I'd like or should), cooking (simple stuff), sports (especially hockey) and petting Cheddar the WonderCat.
Favorite Links

Internet Movie Database
Great site -- amazing movie/TV information!


CNN Interactive
I check it at least once a day -- great source for news.


Great resource for recorded music.

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